Cron not Working in Magento +Solution
I recently had a Magento store that was not running cron jobs despite everything appearing to be set up correctly. After tearing out my hair, I discovered that there was a cron job running that had not...
View ArticleWget For Beginners
What is Wget in general ? Wget is a free utility for non-interactive download of file from the web. The user doesn’t need to login system every time Wget can download the entire web page or mirroring...
View ArticleTip: Remove spaces from filenames one-liner
There is often the case when you need to remove spaces from filenames – for instance when importing broken data feeds into Magento or osCommerce systems. The following strips spaces and replaces them...
View ArticleGet Magento Version on the Command Line
If you just want to get the Magento version on the command line quickly try this one liner: Does exactly what you need More Reading: Magento 2 – Key Points for Developers! Magento 2 Source Code...
View ArticleBash Redirection not Working in Shell Scripts + Solution
I recently needed to trigger a couple of bash scripts through a web browser. Unfortunately PHP shell_exec function grinds to a halt when it is used to trigger a long running / memory intensive script...
View ArticleBash Terminal Rename Programmatically
If you have a load of terminals open you might find it handy to be able to rename the window title on the fly. You can do this easily by copying this code into your ~/.bashrc file (or even pasting it...
View ArticleCorrect recursive backups in bash
Sometime a backup script can go wrong, and rather the overwrite the old files you place a copy of the new ones into the same folder. This can then escalate and before you know it you have multiple...
View ArticleSimple Bash Single Process Enforcement
If you have a bash script that you want to make sure there is only ever one instance of, for example something triggered by cron that might not have finished the next time cron tries to trigger it then...
View ArticleBash timeout and copying text in vim
I have been working with a server that had been configured differently from the way that I prefer. The two biggest complaints that I had about it were that the timeout was set very low, meaning that...
View ArticleApache Log File Analysis Script
Here is a little bash script we knocked together to track down some malicious activity on a clients server. Using a bit of awk etc to parse the log files we could quickly track down an IP address that...
View ArticleSide by Side diff on the command line
I have recently discovered a handy trick when comparing files on the command line. Adding the -y command line options to diff will display the files side by side. Using this with the Color Diff tool...
View ArticleTab Complete for SSH and SCP
If you are required to connect to different servers, then remembering and typing in all of the details can become tiresome. Thankfully there is simple solution to this, using the SSH config file. To...
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